As professional photobooth operators, we have been to many events ranging from large corporate gatherings to intimate wedding ceremonies. You can say we’ve learned a thing or two along the way.  Here are a few things to consider to make your event as successful as possible.


Location    Location     Location

Out of sight, out of mind:  In our experience, the events where the photobooth is hidden away in a corner or adjoining room at the venue, were the times that the fewest photos were taken. That means less memories shared.

 Our recommendation:

When planning your event, make sure the booth space is visible to your guests from the entrance. It catches their eye and lets them know they are in for a good time. Allowing an area in an active, fun space will spark interest and your guests will naturally join in.


Not everyone is camera ready from the get go.  Allow your guests time to get comfortable before expecting them to jump in. Guests typically need some time to catch up before they’re ready to take a picture together.

Our recommendation

Timing for the booth in the party is very important. For example: at a wedding, scheduling the primary amount of time for the booth AFTER food/drinks/speeches works better because people have loosened up enough and are more open to the booth.

Spread the word!

Equally important as location and timing, spreading the word can make your photobooth experience a huge success.  Sometimes it takes the host/hostess to grab a few friends and dive in to get the ball rollin’.  Fun is contagious! Having the DJ, if you have one, periodically remind people of the photobooth, has proven to attract the crowd especially at last call. But don’t worry about remembering to communicate that to the DJ, we usually take care of that for you 😊

 Our recommendation:

Gather some of the event staff or anyone in charge of the event and have them snap a few pics at the booth. From there they can tell everyone else about it and let it snowball from there.

We’re here for you!

Over time, we’ve gained  knowledge and experience at making sure your guests feel comfortable and have fun, getting the perfect shot and welcoming them into the booth. Making your event a memorable experience for you and your guests is something we value greatly.  Our commitment is to work hard at making your event the best it can be!